Departure Information

Departure Airport:

Holiday Location

Holiday Budget

Searching by price
When setting a maximum price it is worth remembering that the prices shown will be a basic cost. There are often supplements and discounts applicable. Try extending your price bracket to avoid missing out.

If you are searching for a group (7 people or more) then you might like to set a maximum price higher than you actually want to pay. There are often very generous group discounts available that bring the per-person price down considerably.

Can’t find what you are looking for?
We are here to help, feel free to pick up the phone or send us an enquiry and let us do the searching for you.

Please click for more information on how best to refine your search by price.
Maximum Price (pp):


Group Size:
Property Type:

Only show properties that have:

Luxury Ski Chalets

All rooms with Private Facilities

Fire Place

Use of Swimming Pool

Reset Ski Chalet Search
Use of Hot-tub

Use of Sauna

Wi Fi

Doorstep skiing

In-house childcare

New for 2016/17

Christmas, New Year and Half Term
Select 21st/22nd Dec for Xmas departures and 28th/29th Dec for New Year. The majority of schools commence Half-Term 15th/16th Feb

Travel Options
Select your local airport from the "Departure Airport" drop down. Alternatively you may select airports by geographic region (E.G South West). If you do not require flights as part of the package select "Independent travel".

Location Location Location
If you have more than one holiday destination in mind the 'select multiple resorts' button allows you to pick all of your favourite ski areas and resorts in one search.

Searching By Price
When selecting your budget note that the property prices shown will be a basic per person cost. Prices will NOT include any group or other discounts. It's often worth extending your budget a little to factor this in.

Sole Use of a Catered Chalet
If you want a catered chalet for the exclusive use of your group we recommend you search for properties of the appropriate size. Empty beds will incur an under occupancy charge if you wish to retain sole use.